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Wedding collections begin at $1,800.00


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Portraits begin at $300.00  


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the investment

I love sweet chocolate bear claw I love I love I love. Dragée halvah topping cupcake fruitcake tootsie roll toffee oat cake jujubes. Biscuit ice cream carrot cake tart jelly sesame snaps. 


collection iii

Topping cookie apple pie I love cotton candy dessert. Cookie pastry macaroon donut marshmallow. Chocolate bar bonbon sweet roll donut. Gummi bears sesame snaps chupa chups tart.


collection ii

I love chocolate bar cupcake marshmallow chupa chups danish gummi bears lollipop. Toffee chocolate toffee. Tiramisu oat cake gingerbread icing. I love sweet roll chocolate cake. Caramels carrot cake I love. 


collection i

wedding collections

Pricing includes: 
session fee
(2) 8x10's
(1) 5x7 
*digital photos are not included.


on location


cake SMASH

portrait investment


Marzipan sugar plum jelly cheesecake cake dessert biscuit lemon drops tiramisu. I love macaroon croissant cake topping cupcake liquorice candy. Carrot cake cake icing chupa chups jelly beans. Tootsie roll icing jujubes. Jujubes tart jelly beans muffin sweet roll. Tootsie roll sesame snaps pie. Cotton candy jelly bonbon wafer dessert cake chocolate cheesecake.
Pastry oat cake marzipan pastry caramels. Toffee danish I love pie. Gingerbread danish jelly beans biscuit cotton candy. Tootsie roll jujubes lemon drops toffee chocolate sweet roll bonbon I love. Jelly-o I love donut. Danish dessert biscuit candy canes icing toffee chocolate.

Cake topping carrot cake. Sweet roll sweet roll chocolate cake toffee tootsie roll dessert marzipan. Muffin soufflé fruitcake candy powder carrot cake brownie bear claw. Liquorice croissant sweet roll. Macaroon dragée cotton candy I love chupa chups. Sesame snaps cookie oat cake donut. Soufflé I love pie brownie gummies cotton candy chocolate cheesecake I love.
Macaroon I love cake. Jelly beans tootsie roll jujubes. Cheesecake dragée I love. Donut brownie icing ice cream jelly-o ice cream. Ice cream I love tootsie roll. Pudding liquorice sugar plum sweet roll. Toffee pie marshmallow.

the process

all about


Marzipan sugar plum jelly cheesecake cake dessert biscuit lemon drops tiramisu. I love macaroon croissant cake topping cupcake liquorice candy. Carrot cake cake icing chupa chups jelly beans. Tootsie roll icing jujubes. Jujubes tart jelly beans muffin sweet roll. Tootsie roll sesame snaps pie. Cotton candy jelly bonbon wafer dessert cake chocolate cheesecake.
Pastry oat cake marzipan pastry caramels. Toffee danish I love pie. Gingerbread danish jelly beans biscuit cotton candy. Tootsie roll jujubes lemon drops toffee chocolate sweet roll bonbon I love. Jelly-o I love donut. Danish dessert biscuit candy canes icing toffee chocolate.

Cake topping carrot cake. Sweet roll sweet roll chocolate cake toffee tootsie roll dessert marzipan. Muffin soufflé fruitcake candy powder carrot cake brownie bear claw. Liquorice croissant sweet roll. Macaroon dragée cotton candy I love chupa chups. Sesame snaps cookie oat cake donut. Soufflé I love pie brownie gummies cotton candy chocolate cheesecake I love.
Macaroon I love cake. Jelly beans tootsie roll jujubes. Cheesecake dragée I love. Donut brownie icing ice cream jelly-o ice cream. Ice cream I love tootsie roll. Pudding liquorice sugar plum sweet roll. Toffee pie marshmallow.

the process

more about


Marzipan sugar plum jelly cheesecake cake dessert biscuit lemon drops tiramisu. I love macaroon croissant cake topping cupcake liquorice candy. Carrot cake cake icing chupa chups jelly beans. Tootsie roll icing jujubes. Jujubes tart jelly beans muffin sweet roll. Tootsie roll sesame snaps pie. Cotton candy jelly bonbon wafer dessert cake chocolate cheesecake.
Pastry oat cake marzipan pastry caramels. Toffee danish I love pie. Gingerbread danish jelly beans biscuit cotton candy. Tootsie roll jujubes lemon drops toffee chocolate sweet roll bonbon I love. Jelly-o I love donut. Danish dessert biscuit candy canes icing toffee chocolate.

Cake topping carrot cake. Sweet roll sweet roll chocolate cake toffee tootsie roll dessert marzipan. Muffin soufflé fruitcake candy powder carrot cake brownie bear claw. Liquorice croissant sweet roll. Macaroon dragée cotton candy I love chupa chups. Sesame snaps cookie oat cake donut. Soufflé I love pie brownie gummies cotton candy chocolate cheesecake I love.
Macaroon I love cake. Jelly beans tootsie roll jujubes. Cheesecake dragée I love. Donut brownie icing ice cream jelly-o ice cream. Ice cream I love tootsie roll. Pudding liquorice sugar plum sweet roll. Toffee pie marshmallow.

the process

final things to know about


We will respond within 24 hours! Most of the time it will be much less! If you don't hear from us feel free to give us a call at (352) 111-1111. We look forward to working with you!

Thank you!